St Andrews Methodist Church

Tel: 0113 2557426


St. Andrew's Methodist Church is located on Robin Lane in the centre of the historic market town of Pudsey.  

Sunday worship, including Junior Church, is at 10:30 am. Once a month (often the first Sunday) we share Communion together, and on the fourth Sunday of the month, Messy Church runs alongside the main service. A prayer service takes place each Tuesday from 11:00 -11:30, after which Light Lunches are available. As you can see from the 'Activities' tab above and 'This Week' below, there's plenty going on at St. Andrew's. If you would like to just have a look round, do pop in on a Saturday morning (10:00 -12 noon).

You are most welcome!

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Palm Sunday 2nd April 2023

Sunday worship will take place at 10:30 am

Join us for singing on the steps before the service (10:00 - 10:15 am)

Good Friday Service 7th April 2023 at 10:30am

Following the service, you are invited to the Baptist Church for coffee  (in the Leisure Centre car park) 

There will then be a walk of witness ending at the Parish Church.

Easter Sunday  9th  April 2023

Come and share breakfast at Church on Easter day, 9th April at 9.00am.  Breakfast will consist of cereals, juice, egg, toast and jam as well as a hot drink.  Please sign up on the  list on the link notice board,

Easter Sunday Service commences at 10:30am

All are welcome to this All Age Communion Service

Tuesday Prayer Services

Prayer Service takes place each Tuesday at 11:00am.

Tuesday Lunches

Lunches are served in the hall every Tuesday 11:30am - 1:00pm.

Come and join us for a low cost light lunch.

Saturday Coffee Mornings

These take place in the hall each Saturday from 10:00 -12 noon. 

Wednesday 25th December
10:30am -
Tuesday 31st December
Wednesday 1st January
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